Minggu, 19 Februari 2012

Lighting Effect *(AGAIN?!?!?!?!?)

lighting effect again...... i take this photo on bintaro south jakarta/south batavia on java island,indonesia.

hmm please tell me whats your opinion about this photo,give me opinion.

angel from heaven

she'is my friend,and look!she very beauty,like a angel from heaven. i think just lucky boy can get she's hearts. can i get she hearts? im sure i cant hahaha. how about you?can you?

Senin, 03 Oktober 2011


who's to say that dinosaurs were already extinct? depat proof they exist in my home garden. so the dinosaurs became extinct it was just a mere issue of mate hehe

amazing of dewata island

dewata island have a million priceless beauty that his prices. we must be grateful to god for having the show of this beautiful natural phenomenon. appropriate that local and international tourists eager to see first hand and feel the beauty of the island of the gods themselves. I'm proud to be part of the republic bali Indonesia and I'm proud to be Indonesian children. let's visit to Bali and experience yourself how the beauty of bali

Senin, 30 Agustus 2010

happy family :)

This is my friend family.look, a family friend of mine looked at very very happy in birthday his brother my friend.so fun when i see happy family

Selasa, 27 Juli 2010

The first photo is the camera had a friend of mine.
The second photo is a photo of people being mengupil.dan finger in the photograph was taken using a telephoto lens of my camera
The third theme of the photo is surga.karena in fairy tales and lots of stories about the paradise described as very beautiful light that is above the sky

Selasa, 13 Juli 2010

hunting just for fun

The top photo is an image that results from efect.diambil lighting and lighting from the side of the road itself is derived from the vehicle that crossed the road

The second photograph is a photograph taken from the industrial side of his jalan.tadi I want to take efect panorama of clouds and sun are there but it is less satisfactory results

The third photo is a panoramic photo efect sebuat objectives drawn from existing slide in the children's water playground and I think its not so bad results

Senin, 28 Juni 2010

have a fun with nikon

this is using my first camera slr

and its very satisfactory results

and most importantly I'm proud of it